Saturday, March 18, 2017

They told me to tell you....

Uploaded on Sep 17, 2011

The Elders Are Watching is a video about the environment, the teachings of the old ones. The poem written by David Bouchard was inspired by a Roy Henry Vickers painting that was given to Queen Elizabeth called, A Meeting Of Chiefs. The book was first published by Eagle Dancer

This message is just as IMPORTANT FOR JUSTIN TRUDEAU and all people as it was for Harper. Please listen carefully.

Published on Youtube May 9, 2012

Oh Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the wind
Whose breathe gives life to the world
Hear me
I come to you as one of many children´s
I´m small and weak, I need your strength and your wisdom
May I walk in beauty
May my eyes ever be hold the red and purple sunset
Make my hands respect the things that you have made
And my ears sharp to hear your voice
Make me wise, so there I may know the teachings you have for your children´s
The lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock
MAKE ME STRONG , not to be superior to my brothers and sisters
But to fight my greatest enemy My self
Make ever ready to come to you with straight eyes
So when life is as a sunset, my spirit will come to you
Without shame